Working to our Animation clients stylistic requirements is proving to be challenging and rewarding at the same time. Many music tracks and sound effects have been changed due to our client’s preference on the sound of elements within the soundtrack. Chion’s Audio Vision (2010) explores the use of juxtaposition through sound. This can be created the anempathetic sound, which opposes the expected ‘feeling’ of a scene.
After negotiating with Charlotte about the main track for the fight scene, it was a possibility to use a song that did not necessarily reflect the feelings of the character. An example of this, is the slightly comedic soundtrack to Crash Bandicoot that Charlotte suggested. After some research and exploring on royalty free music sites such as AKM music and Pond5, we decided to go stick with a traditional empathetic effect on the scene by using a track called ‘Night Battle’ that suited the theme of the Animation perfectly.