The Project

Welcome to my sound design portfolio blog. Here I will be posting regular updates on my third year sound design project, which will include two redesign pieces (individual) and a soundtrack for an animation client (joint). I am collaborating with course colleague Benjamin Hollick for this project. We are promoting ourselves as a business specialising in post production sound design and intend to create a website with our showreel to attract potential clients.

Project Aims

  • To create an online portfolio that showcases our work.
  • To produce bespoke sound design for a third year animation project.
  • To redesign the sound for four additional clips, i.e. a trailer and an animation scene.
  • To research the processes and practices of sound design in audio post production and market research into the most effective way to present a portfolio website.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Be able to implement professional practices when working on my designs, in the area of foley and sound design.
  2. Learn how to apply theoretical research to the sound in my redesigns and animation film.
  3. By the end of the project, I will have learnt how to create professional soundtracks suitable to showcase on our website.
  4. Understand how to implement professional practices used by freelance creatives.


Callum – I will be investigating the processes and practices of sound design. This includes extensively researching professional practices when carrying out sound design work, particularly when recording Foley. It also entails showing that we are applying this theoretical research to our soundtracks. This is to enforce professional sounding pieces in order to obtain work for our ‘business’.

Ben – Ben will undertake the market research side of our business. He will be identifying and using researched principles to promote our work in a professional and business-like manner, such as creating an appropriate looking website.

We are both also carrying our research as to how being self employed and freelancing works from a business perspective. This includes incorporating professional practices when working with a client (animation student) to facilitate the realisation of their idea.


Post-production responsibilities – In this project, we are both responsible for producing two individual redesigns each and are to collaborate together for the animation piece. We are responsible for creating the entire soundtracks for these pieces, including foley, sfx and ADR. Personally, I am responsible for investigating the theoretical and practical research applicable to the soundtracks.

Client responsibilities – We are both responsible for liaising with our animation client efficiently, in order to meet all the sound requirements she needs. This includes collating the right sound effects, music and foley to her stylistic requirements.

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